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Your Source for Shoe Repair, Key Cutting & Dry Cleaning in Victoria
At Quality Cobbler & Drycleaners, we take great pride in helping our customers make the most out of their shoes, which is evident every time you walk through our doors. We have even been called the “Shoelace King” and have a long standing reputation in Victoria as the cobblers that yield great results. People from all over the Greater Victoria Region come to us for the perfect mix of shoe care products and seasoned advice about how to use them best.
Complete Line of Shoe Care Products
- Laces
- Polishes
- Brushes
- Insoles
- Sheepskin slippers
- Shoe repairs: running shoes, work boots, dress shoes, high heels
- Accessory repairs: purses, belts
- Dry cleaning
- Key cutting
- English
- Spanish
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